We rely 100% on Fundraising and Donations to support our horses.

Donations from people like you make all the difference

please help a horse today

It costs us between $6,000 and $10,000 a year to support each of our horses. We provide our herd with high quality feed, shelter, veterinary care, training, stimulation, and a lot of love! Many of our horses have special diets and require extra veterinary care. Your support will directly impact the life of a horse, and will help Sunrise Horse Rescue continue its mission. You can participate by donating to our Horse in Need program, sponsoring your favorite horse, by making a one-time contribution, or by making a monthly gift to Sunrise Horse Rescue. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Donate to Sunrise Horse Rescue

Participate by sponsoring your favorite horse, by making a one-time contribution, or by making a monthly gift to Sunrise Horse Rescue. All gifts are 100% tax-deductible and so, so appreciated.

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Support Our Horse in Need Program

By donating to the Horse In Need fund, you will help sustain our central mission and ensure that Sunrise has the available funds to provide life-saving help to horses.

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Sponsor a Horse in the Sunrise Herd

It costs between $6,000 and $10,000 per year to keep a horse happy and healthy. our one-time or recurring sponsorship of a horse will ensure that he or she can enjoy the life they so deserve.

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Wish List

There are day to day items that will help our horses such as enrichment toys and blankets to keep them happy & healthy!

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Donate Your Car

A vehicle donation will help us immensely to support our staff and reach more horses in need of rescue and our care.

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