Sponsor a Horse
When you become a Sponsor for one or more of our herd at Sunrise Horse Rescue, you become an integral part of a horse’s well-being. We offer sponsorship opportunities at a range of levels, beginning at only $25 per month.
All gifts are 100% tax-deductible and so, so appreciated.
Farrier Level – $25 per month
They say “the hoof is the horse,” and having proper farrier care can make all the difference to a horse’s health and comfort. Our farrier has extensive experience working with special needs horses and collaborates directly with our veterinarians so that each horse has the best hoof care possible. Many of our herd require corrective shoeing that provide extra support and protection. Special hoof care can make it possible for horses to be comfortable despite past conditions or injuries.
At a minimum, horse hooves must be trimmed and cared for by a professional farrier every two months, costing $50 per horse. For only $25 per month, the same amount as a standard pedicure (although with much larger tools), you can ensure our horses can move comfortably. When you become a sponsor at this level, you will receive special thanks and each of the benefits below:
The story of the horse
A Sunrise Horse Rescue certificate of sponsorship
Subscription to our newsletter
Our sincerest thanks for your support
Medications and Supplements – $50 per month
All of our horses receive supplementation to ensure a well-rounded diet. Each horse requires $50 per month in basic supplementation, and many of our herd require additional medication due to their histories and ages. You can help provide this absolutely essential aspect of the horse’s care.
These medications and supplements range from arthritis relief to laminitis prevention, and are vital to the health and wellbeing of the horses. When you become a sponsor, you help ensure the horse has the best health possible. At this level, you will receive the following:
The story of the horse
A Sunrise Horse Rescue certificate of sponsorship
Subscription to our newsletter
Sponsorship acknowledgement on the horse bio page
Our sincerest thanks for your support
Feed – $100 per month
For less than your weekly grocery trip or a night out to dinner in our beautiful Napa Valley, you can feed one of our herd members. A suitable diet is key to ensuring a healthy and happy life for our horses, and we work closely with our veterinarians to develop each horse’s individual diet. Our volunteers help us meticulously maintain these diets. When you become a sponsor at this level, you will receive special thanks and each of the benefits below:
The story of the horse
A Sunrise Horse Rescue certificate of sponsorship
Subscription to our newsletter
Sponsorship acknowledgement on the horse bio page
A quarterly photo of the horse
Our sincerest thanks for your support
Veterinary Care – $200 per month
Exemplary veterinary care is key to the well-being of each horse at Sunrise Horse Rescue. We have a close relationship with Napa Valley Equine, which provides top-of-the-line veterinary services. All of the Napa Valley Equine veterinarians, including Sunrise Horse Rescue Board Member, Dr. Claudia Sonder, were trained at UC Davis and confer with their colleagues there on complicated or specialized cases. In severe cases, horses are sent to US Davis Large Animal Hospital, rated the best veterinary hospital in the United States. Napa Valley Equine generously donates a significant amount of time to Sunrise Horse Rescue, making it possible for us to fully care for these horses. You can help us continue to provide this much needed care by becoming a monthly sponsor.
Despite the generosity of Napa Valley Equine, veterinary care and supplies still constitute a significant portion of the costs to care for a horse. When you become a sponsor, you provide the key to the horses care and comfort. The horse’s care would not be possible without the substantial help of our highly skilled veterinarians, our astute staff and volunteers, and generous donors like you. We are incredibly thankful to each of our sponsors, and you will receive the following when you become a sponsor at this level:
The story of the horse
A Sunrise Horse Rescue certificate of sponsorship
Subscription to our newsletter
Sponsorship acknowledgement on the horse bio page
A quarterly photo of the horse
A tour of Sunrise Horse Rescue and a meet and greet with the horse
Our sincerest thanks for your support