

Arthur is an Andalusian horse, and he came to us on an emergency basis without a name in December 2022. Given to a friend when his owner left the country, the friend had him for 18 months before finding that he could no longer use the pasture Arthur was on. He had to have a new place for his horse by the following day, and he knew that a horse offered for free often goes to auction or is put at risk in a home that might misuse him.



Sonny was a quarter horse and former riding horse who lived in Lake County for 13 years prior to coming to Sunrise. Their owner was no longer able to care for Sonny and his herdmate, Tink, and had appealed to Sunrise for help. When they were threatened by the LNU Lightning Complex Fire of 2020, Sunrise evacuated and sheltered Sonny and Tink at our Calistoga facility.